- Extends
- UnrealGameInfo
+-- Engine.Actor
+-- Engine.Info
+-- Engine.GameInfo
+-- UnrealShare.UnrealGameInfo
+-- UnrealShare.DeathMatchGame
Direct Known Subclasses:
DarkMatch, KingOfTheHill, TeamGame
Inherited Variables from UnrealShare.UnrealGameInfo |
BurnedMessage, CorrodedMessage, DeathMessage[32], DeathModifier[5], DeathPrep, DeathTerm, DeathVerb, DrownedMessage, ExplodeMessage, FallMessage, HackedMessage, HeadLossMessage[2], MajorDeathMessage[8], SuicideMessage |
Inherited Variables from Engine.GameInfo |
AdminPassword, AutoAim, bAllowFOV, bAlternateMode, BaseMutator, bBatchLocal, bCanChangeSkin, bCanViewOthers, bClassicDeathmessages, bCoopWeaponMode, bDeathMatch, BeaconName, bExternalBatcher, bGameEnded, bHumansOnly, bLocalLog, bLoggingGame, bLowGore, bMuteSpectators, bNoCheating, bNoMonsters, BotMenuType, bOverTime, bPauseable, bRestartLevel, bTeamGame, bVeryLowGore, bWorldLog, CurrentID, DamageMutator, DeathMessageClass, DefaultPlayerClass, DefaultPlayerName, DefaultPlayerState, DefaultWeapon, DemoBuild, DemoHasTuts, Difficulty, DMMessageClass, EnabledMutators, EnteredMessage, FailedPlaceMessage, FailedSpawnMessage, FailedTeamMessage, GameMenuType, GameName, GameOptionsMenuType, GamePassword, GameReplicationInfo, GameReplicationInfoClass, GameSpeed, GameUMenuType, HUDType, IPBanned, IPPolicies[50], ItemGoals, KillGoals, LeftMessage, LocalLog, LocalLogFileName, MapListType, MapPrefix, MaxedOutMessage, MaxPlayers, MaxSpectators, MessageMutator, MultiplayerUMenuType, MutatorClass, NameChangedMessage, NeedPassword, NumPlayers, NumSpectators, RulesMenuType, ScoreBoardType, SecretGoals, SentText, ServerLogName, SettingsMenuType, SpecialDamageString, StartTime, StatLogClass, SwitchLevelMessage, WaterZoneType, WorldLog, WorldLogFileName, WrongPassword |
Functions Summary |
| | AcceptInventory (pawn PlayerPawn))
| bool | AddBot ()))
| bool | CanSpectate (pawn Viewer, actor ViewTarget ))
| | ChangeName (Pawn Other, coerce string S, bool bNameChange ))
| | EndGame (string Reason ))
| NavigationPoint | FindPlayerStart (Pawn Player, optional byte InTeam, optional string incomingName ))
| int | GetIntOption (string Options, string ParseString, int CurrentValue))
| string | GetRules ()))
| | InitGame (string Options, out string Error ))
| bool | IsRelevant (actor Other))
| | Killed (pawn killer, pawn Other, name damageType))
| | LogGameParameters (StatLog StatLog))
| playerpawn | Login (string Portal, string Options, out string Error, class<playerpawn> SpawnClass
| | Logout (pawn Exiting))
| float | PlayerJumpZScaling ()))
| float | PlaySpawnEffect (inventory Inv))
| | PostBeginPlay ()))
| int | ReduceDamage (int Damage, name DamageType, pawn injured, pawn instigatedBy))
| | RestartGame ()))
| | SetGameSpeed (Float T ))
| bool | ShouldRespawn (Actor Other))
| | Timer ()))
Inherited Functions from Engine.GameInfo |
AcceptInventory, AddBot, AddDefaultInventory, AdminLogin, AdminLogout, AllowsBroadcast, AtCapacity, BroadcastRegularDeathMessage, CanSpectate, ChangeName, ChangeTeam, CheckIPPolicy, CreatureKillMessage, DetailChange, DiscardInventory, EndGame, FindPlayerStart, ForceAddBot, GameEnding, GetBeaconText, GetInfo, GetIntOption, GetKeyValue, GetNetworkNumber, GetRules, GetServerPort, GrabOption, HasOption, InitGame, InitGameReplicationInfo, InitLogging, IsRelevant, Killed, KillMessage, LogGameParameters, Login, Logout, ParseKillMessage, ParseOption, PickupQuery, PlayerJumpZScaling, PlayerKillMessage, PlaySpawnEffect, PlayTeleportEffect, PostBeginPlay, PostLogin, PreBeginPlay, PreLogin, ProcessServerTravel, ReduceDamage, RegisterDamageMutator, RegisterMessageMutator, ResetGame, RestartGame, RestartPlayer, ScoreEvent, ScoreKill, SendPlayer, SetEndCams, SetGameSpeed, SetPause, ShouldRespawn, StartPlayer, Timer |
var bool bAlreadyChanged;
var bool bDontRestart;
var bool bGameEnded;
var localized string GlobalNameChange;
var localized string NoNameChange;
var int NumBots;
var int RemainingBots;
var int RemainingTime;
function bool AddBot ( ) )
function bool CanSpectate (
pawn Viewer,
actor ViewTarget ) )
function ChangeName (
Pawn Other,
coerce string S,
bool bNameChange ) )
function EndGame (
string Reason ) )
function int GetIntOption ( string Options, string ParseString, int CurrentValue) )
function string GetRules ( ) )
event InitGame ( string Options, out string Error ) )
function bool IsRelevant (
actor Other) )
event playerpawn Login (
string Portal,
string Options,
out string Error,
playerpawn> SpawnClass
) )
function Logout (
pawn Exiting) )
function float PlayerJumpZScaling ( ) )
function float PlaySpawnEffect (
inventory Inv) )
function PostBeginPlay ( ) )
function int ReduceDamage (
int Damage,
name DamageType,
pawn injured,
pawn instigatedBy) )
function RestartGame ( ) )
function SetGameSpeed ( Float T ) )
function bool ShouldRespawn (
Actor Other) )
function Timer ( ) )
GlobalNameChange=" changed name to "
NoNameChange=" is already in use"
TimeMessage(0)="5 minutes left in the game!"
TimeMessage(1)="4 minutes left in the game!"
TimeMessage(2)="3 minutes left in the game!"
TimeMessage(3)="2 minutes left in the game!"
TimeMessage(4)="1 minute left in the game!"
TimeMessage(5)="30 seconds left!"
TimeMessage(6)="10 seconds left!"
TimeMessage(7)="5 seconds and counting..."
TimeMessage(12)="Time Up!"
Creation time: Fr 7.6.2013 13:14:32.166 - Created with