- Extends
- PlayerPawn
- Modifiers
- config ( User ) abstract
+-- Engine.Actor
+-- Engine.Pawn
+-- Engine.PlayerPawn
+-- Botpack.TournamentPlayer
Direct Known Subclasses:
Commander, SkeletalPlayer, TournamentFemale, TournamentMale
Inherited Variables from Engine.PlayerPawn |
aBaseX, aBaseY, aBaseZ, aExtra0, aExtra1, aExtra2, aExtra3, aExtra4, aForward, aLookUp, aMouseX, aMouseY, AppliedBob, aStrafe, aTurn, aUp, bAdmin, bAlwaysMouseLook, bAnimTransition, bBadConnectionAlert, bCenterView, bCheatsEnabled, bDelayedCommand, bEdgeBack, bEdgeForward, bEdgeLeft, bEdgeRight, bFixedCamera, bFrozen, bInvertMouse, bIsCrouching, bIsTurning, bIsTyping, bJumpStatus, bJustAltFired, bJustFired, bKeyboardLook, bLookUpStairs, bMaxMouseSmoothing, bMessageBeep, bMouseZeroed, bNeverAutoSwitch, bNoFlash, bNoVoices, Bob, bobtime, BorrowedMouseX, BorrowedMouseY, bPressedJump, bReadyToPlay, bReducedVis, bRising, bShakeDir, bShowMenu, bShowScores, bSinglePlayer, bSnapToLevel, bSpecialMenu, bUpdatePosition, bUpdating, bWasBack, bWasForward, bWasLeft, bWasRight, bWokeUp, bZooming, CarcassType, CdTrack, ClientUpdateTime, ConstantGlowFog, ConstantGlowScale, CurrentTimeStamp, DefaultFOV, DelayedCommand, DemoViewPitch, DemoViewYaw, DesiredFlashFog, DesiredFlashScale, DesiredFOV, DodgeClickTime, DodgeClickTimer, FailedView, FlashFog, FlashScale, FreeMoves, GameReplicationInfo, Handedness, HUDType, InstantFlash, InstantFog, JumpSound, LandBob, LastMessageWindow, LastPlaySound, LastUpdateTime, maxshake, MaxTimeMargin, Misc1, Misc2, MouseSensitivity, MouseSmoothThreshold, MouseZeroTime, MyAutoAim, myHUD, ngSecretSet, ngWorldSecret, NoPauseMessage, OwnCamera, Password, PendingMove, Player, ProgressColor[8], ProgressMessage[8], ProgressTimeOut, QuickSaveString, ReceivedSecretChecksum, RendMap, SavedMoves, Scoring, ScoringType, ServerTimeStamp, shakemag, shaketimer, shakevert, ShowFlags, SmoothMouseX, SmoothMouseY, Song, SongSection, SpecialMenu, TargetEyeHeight, TargetViewRotation, TargetWeaponViewOffset, TimeMargin, Transition, verttimer, ViewingFrom, ViewTarget, WeaponPriority[50], ZoomLevel |
Inherited Variables from Engine.Pawn |
AccelRate, AirControl, AirSpeed, AlarmTag, Alertness, AttitudeToPlayer, AvgPhysicsTime, bAdvancedTactics, bAltFire, BaseEyeHeight, bAutoActivate, bAvoidLedges, bBehindView, bCanDoSpecial, bCanFly, bCanJump, bCanOpenDoors, bCanStrafe, bCanSwim, bCanWalk, bCountJumps, bDrowning, bDuck, bExtra0, bExtra1, bExtra2, bExtra3, bFire, bFixedStart, bFreeLook, bFromWall, bHitSlopedWall, bHunting, bIsFemale, bIsHuman, bIsMultiSkinned, bIsPlayer, bIsWalking, bJumpOffPawn, bJustLanded, bLook, bLOSflag, bNeverSwitchOnPickup, bReducedSpeed, bRun, bShootSpecial, bSnapLevel, bStopAtLedges, bStrafe, bUpAndOut, bUpdatingDisplay, bViewTarget, bWarping, bZoom, carriedDecoration, CombatStyle, DamageScaling, DesiredSpeed, Destination, Die, DieCount, DropWhenKilled, Enemy, EyeHeight, FaceTarget, Floor, Focus, FootRegion, FovAngle, GroundSpeed, HeadRegion, Health, HearingThreshold, HitSound1, HitSound2, home, Intelligence, ItemCount, JumpZ, KillCount, Land, LastPainSound, LastSeeingPos, LastSeenPos, LastSeenTime, MaxDesiredSpeed, MaxStepHeight, MeleeRange, MenuName, MinHitWall, MoveTarget, MoveTimer, NameArticle, NextLabel, nextPawn, NextState, noise1loudness, noise1other, noise1spot, noise1time, noise2loudness, noise2other, noise2spot, noise2time, OldMessageTime, OrthoZoom, PainTime, PendingWeapon, PeripheralVision, PlayerReplicationInfo, PlayerReplicationInfoClass, PlayerReStartState, ReducedDamagePct, ReducedDamageType, RouteCache[16], SecretCount, SelectedItem, SelectionMesh, Shadow, SharedAlarmTag, SightCounter, SightRadius, Skill, SoundDampening, SpecialGoal, SpecialMesh, SpecialPause, SpeechTime, SplashTime, Spree, Stimulus, UnderWaterTime, ViewRotation, Visibility, VoicePitch, VoiceType, WalkBob, WaterSpeed, WaterStep, Weapon |
Functions Summary |
| | AddBotNamed (string BotName))
| | Advance ()))
| | AdvanceAll ()))
| | BeginState ())) Dying |
| | BeginState ())) FeigningDeath |
| | ChangeSetHand (string S ))
| | CheckBob (float DeltaTime, float Speed2D, vector Y))
| | ClientPlaySound (sound ASound, optional bool bInterrupt, optional bool bVolumeControl ))
| | ClientPlayTakeHit (vector HitLoc, byte Damage, bool bServerGuessWeapon))
| | ClientPutDown (Weapon Current, Weapon Next))
| | ClientReplicateSkins (texture Skin1, optional texture Skin2, optional texture Skin3, optional texture Skin4))
| | ClientVoiceMessage (PlayerReplicationInfo Sender, PlayerReplicationInfo Recipient, name messagetype, byte messageID))
| | DoJump (optional float F ))
| bool | EncroachingOn (actor Other ))
| | EndSpree (PlayerReplicationInfo Killer, PlayerReplicationInfo Other))
| | Fire (optional float F )) GameEnded |
| | FootStepping ()))
| | Gasp ()))
| | GetMultiSkin (Actor SkinActor, out string SkinName, out string FaceName ))
| | IAmTheOne ()))
| | KillAll (class<actor> aClass))
| | Killed (pawn Killer, pawn Other, name damageType))
| | ListBots ()))
| | Loaded ()))
| | LoadLeftHand ()))
| | NeedActivate ()))
| | NeedActivate ())) FeigningDeath |
| | PlayBeepSound ()))
| | PlayChatting ()))
| | PlayCrawling ()))
| | PlayDeathHit (float Damage, vector HitLocation, name damageType, vector Momentum))
| | PlayDodge (eDodgeDir DodgeMove))
| | PlayDuck ()))
| | PlayDyingSound ()))
| | PlayFeignDeath ()))
| | PlayFiring ()))
| | PlayFootStep ()))
| | PlayGutHit (float tweentime))
| | PlayHeadHit (float tweentime))
| | PlayHit (float Damage, vector HitLocation, name damageType, vector Momentum))
| | PlayInAir ()))
| | PlayLanded (float impactVel))
| | PlayLeftHit (float tweentime))
| | PlayRecoil (float Rate))
| | PlayRightHit (float tweentime))
| | PlayRising ()))
| | PlayRunning ()))
| | PlaySwimming ()))
| | PlayTakeHitSound (int damage, name damageType, int Mult))
| | PlayTurning ()))
| | PlayWaiting ()))
| | PlayWalking ()))
| | PlayWeaponSwitch (Weapon NewWeapon))
| | PlayWinMessage (bool bWinner))
| | Possess ()))
| | PostBeginPlay ()))
| | PreCacheReferences ()))
| | PreSetMovement ()))
| | RealWeapon (weapon Real, int N))
| | ReplicateMove (float DeltaTime, vector NewAccel, eDodgeDir DodgeMove, rotator DeltaRot
| | SendAltFire (Weapon W))
| | SendClientAltFire (weapon W, int N))
| | SendClientFire (weapon W, int N))
| | SendFire (Weapon W))
| | SendGlobalMessage (PlayerReplicationInfo Recipient, name MessageType, byte MessageID, float Wait))
| | SendTeamMessage (PlayerReplicationInfo Recipient, name MessageType, byte MessageID, float Wait))
| | ServerSetInstantRocket (bool B))
| | ServerSetTaunt (bool B))
| | ServerSetVoice (class<ChallengeVoicePack> V))
| | SetAirControl (float F))
| | SetAutoTaunt (bool B))
| | SetInstantRocket (bool B))
| | SetMultiSkin (Actor SkinActor, string SkinName, string FaceName, byte TeamNum))
| | SetVoice (class<ChallengeVoicePack> V))
| | Summon (string ClassName ))
| | TimeMessage (int Num))
| | TweenToRunning (float tweentime))
| | TweenToSwimming (float tweentime))
| | TweenToWaiting (float tweentime))
| | TweenToWalking (float tweentime))
| | UpdateRealWeapon (Weapon W))
| | Verbose ()))
| | ViewFlash (float DeltaTime)) Dying |
Inherited Functions from Engine.PlayerPawn |
ActivateHint, ActivateInventoryItem, ActivateItem, ActivateTranslator, AddBots, AdjustAim, AdjustHitLocation, Admin, AdminLogin, AdminLogout, AllAmmo, AltFire, AlwaysMouseLook, Amphibious, AnimEnd, AttitudeTo, BeginState, BehindView, CalcBehindView, CallForHelp, CauseEvent, ChangeAlwaysMouseLook, ChangeAutoAim, ChangeCrosshair, ChangeDodgeClickTime, ChangedWeapon, ChangeHud, ChangeName, ChangeSetHand, ChangeSnapView, ChangeStairLook, ChangeTeam, CheatView, CheckBob, ClearProgressMessages, ClientAdjustGlow, ClientAdjustPosition, ClientChangeTeam, ClientFlash, ClientInstantFlash, ClientMessage, ClientPlaySound, ClientReliablePlaySound, ClientReplicateSkins, ClientSetMusic, ClientShake, ClientTravel, ClientUpdatePosition, ClientVoiceMessage, ClientWeaponEvent, CompressAccel, ConsoleCommand, CopyToClipboard, damageAttitudeTo, Destroyed, Died, Dodge, DoJump, EndState, EndZoom, Falling, FeignDeath, FindGoodView, Fire, Fly, FOV, FunctionKey, GetDefaultURL, GetEntryLevel, GetFreeMove, GetNGSecret, GetPlayerNetworkAddress, GetWeapon, Ghost, Gibbed, God, Grab, HandleWalking, InitPlayerReplicationInfo, InvertMouse, Invisible, Jump, JumpOffPawn, Kick, KickBan, KillAll, KilledBy, KillMessage, KillPawns, Landed, LocalTravel, MoveAutonomous, Mutate, Name, NeverSwitchOnPickup, NextWeapon, PasteFromClipboard, Pause, Ping, PlayBeepSound, PlayChatting, PlayDodge, PlayDying, PlayerCalcView, PlayerInput, PlayerList, PlayerMove, PlayersOnly, PlayerTick, PlayerTimeOut, PlayFeignDeath, PlayHit, PlayRising, PlaySwimming, PlayTakeHit, PlayTurning, PlayWaiting, Possess, PostBeginPlay, PostRender, PreBeginPlay, PreClientTravel, PreRender, PrevItem, PrevWeapon, ProcessMove, Profile, QuickLoad, QuickSave, ReceiveLocalizedMessage, RememberSpot, RenderOverlays, ReplaceText, ReplicateMove, ResetKeyboard, RestartLevel, Rise, Say, SendVoiceMessage, ServerAddBots, ServerChangeSkin, ServerFeignDeath, ServerMove, ServerNeverSwitchOnPickup, ServerReStartGame, ServerReStartPlayer, ServerSetHandedness, ServerSetSloMo, ServerSetWeaponPriority, ServerTaunt, ServerUpdateWeapons, SetAutoAim, SetBob, SetDesiredFOV, SetDodgeClickTime, SetFOVAngle, SetFriction, SetHand, SetJumpZ, SetMaxMouseSmoothing, SetMouseSmoothThreshold, SetName, SetNGSecret, SetPause, SetProgressColor, SetProgressMessage, SetProgressTime, SetSensitivity, SetSpeed, SetViewFlash, SetWeaponStay, ShakeView, ShowInventory, ShowLoadMenu, ShowMenu, ShowPath, ShowScores, ShowSpecialMenu, ShowUpgradeMenu, SloMo, SnapView, SpawnCarcass, SpawnGibbedCarcass, Speech, SShot, StairLook, StartWalk, StartZoom, StopZoom, Suicide, Summon, SwimAnimUpdate, SwitchCoopLevel, SwitchLevel, SwitchWeapon, TakeDamage, Taunt, TeamMessage, TeamSay, ThrowWeapon, Timer, ToggleZoom, TravelPostAccept, Typing, UnPossess, UpdateBob, UpdateEyeHeight, UpdateRotation, UpdateSensitivity, UpdateURL, UpdateWeaponPriorities, ViewClass, ViewFlash, ViewPlayer, ViewPlayerNum, ViewSelf, ViewShake, Walk, ZoneChange |
Inherited Functions from Engine.Pawn |
actorReachable, AddInventory, AddPawn, AddVelocity, AdjustAim, AdjustDesireFor, AdjustHitLocation, AdjustToss, AlterDestination, BaseChange, BecomeViewTarget, BeginState, BotVoiceMessage, CanSee, ChangedWeapon, CheckFutureSight, CheckValidSkinPackage, CheckWaterJump, ClearPaths, ClientDying, ClientGameEnded, ClientHearSound, ClientMessage, ClientPutDown, ClientReStart, ClientSetLocation, ClientSetRotation, ClientVoiceMessage, damageAttitudeTo, DeleteInventory, Destroyed, Died, DropDecoration, EAdjustJump, EncroachedBy, EncroachingOn, EnemyNotVisible, Falling, FearThisSpot, FellOutOfWorld, FindBestInventoryPath, FindInventoryType, FindPathTo, FindPathToward, FindRandomDest, FindStairRotation, FireWeapon, FootZoneChange, Gasp, GetHumanName, GetMultiSkin, GetRating, Gibbed, gibbedBy, GrabDecoration, HandleHelpMessageFrom, HeadZoneChange, HearNoise, HidePlayer, InitPlayerReplicationInfo, JumpOffPawn, Killed, KillMessage, Landed, LineOfSightTo, LongFall, MayFall, MoveTo, MoveToward, NextItem, PainTimer, PickAnyTarget, PickTarget, PickWallAdjust, PlayBigDeath, PlayCrawling, PlayDeathHit, PlayDive, PlayDuck, PlayDying, PlayerTimeOut, PlayFiring, PlayGutDeath, PlayGutHit, PlayHeadDeath, PlayHeadHit, PlayHit, PlayInAir, PlayLanded, PlayLeftDeath, PlayLeftHit, PlayMovingAttack, PlayOutOfWater, PlayPatrolStop, PlayRecoil, PlayRightDeath, PlayRightHit, PlayRunning, PlayTakeHit, PlayTakeHitSound, PlayThreatening, PlayTurning, PlayVictoryDance, PlayWaiting, PlayWaitingAmbush, PlayWalking, PlayWeaponSwitch, pointReachable, PostBeginPlay, PostNetBeginPlay, PreBeginPlay, PreSetMovement, ReceiveLocalizedMessage, RemovePawn, RenderOverlays, RestartPlayer, SeePlayer, SendGlobalMessage, SendTeamMessage, SendVoiceMessage, SetDefaultDisplayProperties, SetDisplayProperties, SetMesh, SetMovementPhysics, SetMultiSkin, SetSkinElement, ShakeView, SpawnCarcass, SpawnGibbedCarcass, SpecialFire, SpeechTimer, StopFiring, StopWaiting, StrafeFacing, StrafeTo, SwitchToBestWeapon, TakeDamage, TakeFallingDamage, TeamBroadcast, TeamMessage, Timer, TossWeapon, TraceShot, TurnTo, TurnToward, TweenToFalling, TweenToFighter, TweenToPatrolStop, TweenToRunning, TweenToSwimming, TweenToWaiting, TweenToWalking, UnderLift, UpdateEyeHeight, UpdateTactics, WaitForLanding, WalkTexture, WarnTarget |
var globalconfig int AnnouncerVolume;
var bool b3DSound;
var globalconfig bool bAutoTaunt;
var globalconfig bool bInstantRocket;
var bool bLastJumpAlt;
var bool bNeedActivate;
var globalconfig bool bNoAutoTaunts;
var globalconfig bool bNoMatureLanguage;
var globalconfig bool bNoVoiceMessages;
var globalconfig bool bNoVoiceTaunts;
var class<
Actor> BossRef;
var string DefaultPackage;
var string DefaultSkinName;
var int FaceSkin;
var int FixedSkin;
var float LastKillTime;
var int MultiLevel;
var int TeamSkin1;
var int TeamSkin2;
var string VoicePackMetaClass;
var int WeaponUpdate;
var(Messages) localized string spreenote[10];
var(Sounds) sound breathagain;
var(Sounds) Sound Deaths[6];
var(Sounds) sound Die2;
var(Sounds) sound Die3;
var(Sounds) sound Die4;
var(Sounds) sound drown;
var(Sounds) sound Footstep1;
var(Sounds) sound Footstep2;
var(Sounds) sound Footstep3;
var(Sounds) sound GaspSound;
var(Sounds) sound HitSound3;
var(Sounds) sound HitSound4;
var(Sounds) sound LandGrunt;
var(Sounds) sound UWHit1;
var(Sounds) sound UWHit2;
exec function AddBotNamed ( string BotName) )
exec function Advance ( ) )
exec function AdvanceAll ( ) )
function BeginState ( ) )
BeginState FeigningDeath Source code
function BeginState ( ) )
function ChangeSetHand ( string S ) )
function CheckBob (
float DeltaTime,
float Speed2D,
vector Y) )
simulated function ClientPlaySound ( sound ASound, optional bool bInterrupt, optional bool bVolumeControl ) )
function ClientPlayTakeHit (
vector HitLoc,
byte Damage,
bool bServerGuessWeapon) )
function DoJump ( optional float F ) )
event bool EncroachingOn (
actor Other ) )
exec function Fire ( optional float F ) )
simulated function FootStepping ( ) )
function Gasp ( ) )
static function GetMultiSkin (
Actor SkinActor,
out string SkinName,
out string FaceName ) )
exec function IAmTheOne ( ) )
exec function KillAll (
aClass) )
exec function ListBots ( ) )
exec function Loaded ( ) )
function LoadLeftHand ( ) )
function NeedActivate ( ) )
NeedActivate FeigningDeath Source code
function NeedActivate ( ) )
simulated function PlayBeepSound ( ) )
function PlayChatting ( ) )
function PlayCrawling ( ) )
function PlayDuck ( ) )
function PlayDyingSound ( ) )
function PlayFeignDeath ( ) )
function PlayFiring ( ) )
simulated function PlayFootStep ( ) )
function PlayGutHit ( float tweentime) )
function PlayHeadHit ( float tweentime) )
function PlayInAir ( ) )
function PlayLanded ( float impactVel) )
function PlayLeftHit ( float tweentime) )
function PlayRecoil ( float Rate) )
function PlayRightHit ( float tweentime) )
function PlayRising ( ) )
function PlayRunning ( ) )
function PlaySwimming ( ) )
function PlayTakeHitSound (
int damage,
name damageType,
int Mult) )
function PlayTurning ( ) )
function PlayWaiting ( ) )
function PlayWalking ( ) )
function PlayWeaponSwitch (
Weapon NewWeapon) )
function PlayWinMessage ( bool bWinner) )
event Possess ( ) )
simulated function PostBeginPlay ( ) )
function PreCacheReferences ( ) )
function PreSetMovement ( ) )
function RealWeapon (
weapon Real,
int N) )
function SendAltFire (
Weapon W) )
function SendClientAltFire (
weapon W,
int N) )
function SendClientFire (
weapon W,
int N) )
function SendFire (
Weapon W) )
function SendGlobalMessage (
PlayerReplicationInfo Recipient,
name MessageType,
byte MessageID,
float Wait) )
function SendTeamMessage (
PlayerReplicationInfo Recipient,
name MessageType,
byte MessageID,
float Wait) )
ServerSetInstantRocket Source code
function ServerSetInstantRocket ( bool B) )
function ServerSetTaunt ( bool B) )
exec function SetAirControl ( float F) )
function SetAutoTaunt ( bool B) )
exec function SetInstantRocket ( bool B) )
static function SetMultiSkin (
Actor SkinActor,
string SkinName,
string FaceName,
byte TeamNum) )
exec function Summon ( string ClassName ) )
function TweenToRunning ( float tweentime) )
function TweenToSwimming ( float tweentime) )
function TweenToWaiting ( float tweentime) )
function TweenToWalking ( float tweentime) )
function UpdateRealWeapon (
Weapon W) )
exec function Verbose ( ) )
function ViewFlash ( float DeltaTime) )
spreenote(0)="is on a killing spree!"
spreenote(1)="is on a rampage!"
spreenote(2)="is dominating!"
spreenote(3)="is brutalizing the competition!"
spreenote(4)="is unstoppable!"
spreenote(5)="owns you!"
spreenote(6)="needs to find some real competition!"
spreenote(7)="is a GOD!"
Creation time: Fr 7.6.2013 13:15:07.065 - Created with