- Extends
- UMenuPageWindow
+-- UWindow.UWindowBase
+-- UWindow.UWindowWindow
+-- UWindow.UWindowClientWindow
+-- UWindow.UWindowDialogClientWindow
+-- UWindow.UWindowPageWindow
+-- UMenu.UMenuPageWindow
+-- UMenu.UMenuBotConfigBase
Direct Known Subclasses:
UMenuBotConfigClientWindow, UTBotConfigClient
var localized string AtLeastOneBotText;
var localized string AtLeastOneBotTitle;
var localized string AutoAdjustHelp;
var localized string AutoAdjustText;
var localized string BaseHelp;
var localized string BaseText;
var localized string ConfigBotsHelp;
var localized string ConfigBotsText;
var float ControlOffset;
var bool Initialized;
var localized string NumBotsHelp;
var localized string NumBotsText;
var localized string RandomHelp;
var localized string RandomText;
var localized string Skills[8];
var localized string SkillTaunts[8];
function AfterCreate ( ) )
function AutoAdjustChecked ( ) )
function BaseChanged ( ) )
function BeforePaint (
Canvas C,
float X,
float Y) )
function ConfigureIndivBots ( ) )
function Created ( ) )
function LoadCurrentValues ( ) )
function NumBotsChanged ( ) )
function RandomChecked ( ) )
function SetBotmatchParent ( ) )
BaseText="Base Skill:"
BaseHelp="This is the base skill level of the bots."
SkillTaunts(0)="They won't hurt you...much."
SkillTaunts(1)="Don't get cocky."
SkillTaunts(2)="You think you're tough?"
SkillTaunts(3)="You're already dead."
NumBotsText="Number of Bots"
NumBotsHelp="This is the number of bots that you will play against."
AutoAdjustText="Auto Adjust Skill"
AutoAdjustHelp="If checked, bots will increase or decrease their skill to match your skill level."
RandomText="Random Order"
RandomHelp="If checked, bots will chosen at random from the list of bot configurations."
ConfigBotsHelp="Configure the names, appearance and other attributes of individual bots."
AtLeastOneBotTitle="Configure Bots"
AtLeastOneBotText="You must choose at least one bot in order to use the configure bots screen."
Creation time: Fr 7.6.2013 13:15:14.524 - Created with