- Extends
- UMenuBotConfigBase
+-- UWindow.UWindowBase
+-- UWindow.UWindowWindow
+-- UWindow.UWindowClientWindow
+-- UWindow.UWindowDialogClientWindow
+-- UWindow.UWindowPageWindow
+-- UMenu.UMenuPageWindow
+-- UMenu.UMenuBotConfigBase
+-- UMenu.UMenuBotConfigClientWindow
Inherited Variables from UMenu.UMenuBotConfigBase |
AtLeastOneBotText, AtLeastOneBotTitle, AutoAdjustCheck, AutoAdjustHelp, AutoAdjustText, BaseCombo, BaseHelp, BaseText, BotmatchParent, ConfigBots, ConfigBotsHelp, ConfigBotsText, ControlOffset, Initialized, NumBotsEdit, NumBotsHelp, NumBotsText, RandomCheck, RandomHelp, RandomText, Skills[8], SkillTaunts[8], TauntLabel |
Inherited Functions from UMenu.UMenuBotConfigBase |
AfterCreate, AutoAdjustChecked, BaseChanged, BeforePaint, ConfigureIndivBots, Created, LoadCurrentValues, Notify, NumBotsChanged, RandomChecked, SetBotmatchParent |
var localized string BIMHelp;
var localized string BIMText;
function AutoAdjustChecked ( ) )
function BaseChanged ( ) )
function BeforePaint (
Canvas C,
float x,
float Y) )
function BIMChanged ( ) )
function ConfigureIndivBots ( ) )
function Created ( ) )
function LoadCurrentValues ( ) )
function NumBotsChanged ( ) )
function RandomChecked ( ) )
function SaveConfigs ( ) )
BIMText="Enable Bots"
BIMHelp="If checked, bots will be present in your new multiplayer game."
Creation time: Fr 7.6.2013 13:15:14.539 - Created with