- Extends
- UMenuPageWindow
+-- UWindow.UWindowBase
+-- UWindow.UWindowWindow
+-- UWindow.UWindowClientWindow
+-- UWindow.UWindowDialogClientWindow
+-- UWindow.UWindowPageWindow
+-- UMenu.UMenuPageWindow
+-- UMenu.UMenuInputOptionsClientWindow
Direct Known Subclasses:
var localized string AutoAimHelp;
var localized string AutoAimText;
var localized string AutoSlopeHelp;
var localized string AutoSlopeText;
var float ControlOffset;
var localized string DirectInputHelp;
var localized string DirectInputText;
var localized string InvertMouseHelp;
var localized string InvertMouseText;
var localized string JoystickHelp;
var localized string JoystickText;
var localized string LookSpringHelp;
var localized string LookSpringText;
var localized string MouselookHelp;
var localized string MouselookText;
var localized string MouseSmoothHelp;
var localized string MouseSmoothText;
var localized string SensitivityHelp;
var localized string SensitivityText;
function AfterCreate ( ) )
function AutoAimChecked ( ) )
function AutoSlopeChecked ( ) )
function BeforePaint (
Canvas C,
float X,
float Y) )
function Created ( ) )
function DirectInputChecked ( ) )
function InvertMouseChecked ( ) )
function JoystickChecked ( ) )
function LookSpringChecked ( ) )
function MouselookChecked ( ) )
function MouseSmoothChanged ( ) )
function SaveConfigs ( ) )
function SensitivityChanged ( ) )
AutoAimText="Auto Aim"
AutoAimHelp="Enable or disable vertical aiming help."
JoystickHelp="Enable or disable joystick."
DirectInputHelp="Enabling DirectInput on Windows 9x machines will improve mouse smoothness. You must restart the game for this setting to take effect."
SensitivityText="Mouse Sensitivity"
SensitivityHelp="Adjust the mouse sensitivity, or how far you have to move the mouse to produce a given motion in the game."
InvertMouseText="Invert Mouse"
InvertMouseHelp="Invert the mouse X axis. When true, pushing the mouse forward causes you to look down rather than up."
LookSpringText="Look Spring"
LookSpringHelp="If checked, releasing the mouselook key will automatically center the view. Only valid if Mouselook is disabled."
MouselookHelp="If checked, the mouse is always used for controlling your view direction."
MouseSmoothText="Mouse Smoothing"
MouseSmoothHelp="If checked, mouse input will be smoothed to improve Mouselook smoothness."
AutoSlopeText="Auto Slope"
AutoSlopeHelp="If checked, your view will automatically adjust to look up and down slopes and stairs. Only valid if Mouselook is disabled."
Creation time: Fr 7.6.2013 13:15:15.382 - Created with