- Extends
- UMenuPageWindow
+-- UWindow.UWindowBase
+-- UWindow.UWindowWindow
+-- UWindow.UWindowClientWindow
+-- UWindow.UWindowDialogClientWindow
+-- UWindow.UWindowPageWindow
+-- UMenu.UMenuPageWindow
+-- UTMenu.UTChallengeHUDConfig
var bool bInitialized;
var int ControlOffset;
var localized string CrosshairBHelp;
var localized string CrosshairBText;
var localized string CrosshairColorHelp;
var localized string CrosshairColorText;
var localized string CrosshairGHelp;
var localized string CrosshairGText;
var localized string CrosshairHelp;
var localized string CrosshairRHelp;
var localized string CrosshairRText;
var localized string CrosshairText;
var localized string DefaultsHelp;
var localized string DefaultsText;
var localized string HUDBHelp;
var localized string HUDBText;
var localized string HUDColorHelp;
var localized string HUDColorNames[20];
var localized string HUDColorText;
var localized string HUDColorValues[20];
var localized string HUDGHelp;
var localized string HUDGText;
var localized string HUDRHelp;
var localized string HUDRText;
var localized string HUDScaleHelp;
var localized string HUDScaleText;
var localized string OpacityHelp;
var localized string OpacityText;
var localized string ShowAmmoHelp;
var localized string ShowAmmoText;
var localized string ShowFacesHelp;
var localized string ShowFacesText;
var localized string ShowFragsHelp;
var localized string ShowFragsText;
var localized string ShowHUDHelp;
var localized string ShowHUDText;
var localized string ShowStatusHelp;
var localized string ShowStatusText;
var localized string ShowTeamInfoHelp;
var localized string ShowTeamInfoText;
var localized string ShowWeaponsHelp;
var localized string ShowWeaponsText;
var localized string StatusScaleHelp;
var localized string StatusScaleText;
var localized string UseTeamColorHelp;
var localized string UseTeamColorText;
var localized string WeaponScaleHelp;
var localized string WeaponScaleText;
function BeforePaint (
Canvas C,
float X,
float Y) )
singular function ChangeToCustomColor ( ) )
ChangeToCustomCrosshairColor Source code
singular function ChangeToCustomCrosshairColor ( ) )
function Created ( ) )
function CrosshairChanged ( ) )
singular function HUDLayoutChanged ( ) )
function LoadCurrentValues ( ) )
function LoadDefaultValues ( ) )
function Paint (
Canvas C,
float X,
float Y) )
function ResetHUD ( ) )
function SaveConfigs ( ) )
ShowHUDText="Show HUD"
ShowHUDHelp="Show the Heads-up Display (HUD)."
ShowWeaponsText="Show Weapon Display"
ShowWeaponsHelp="Show weapon displays on the HUD."
ShowStatusText="Show Player Status"
ShowStatusHelp="Shows the player status indicator (top right) on the HUD."
ShowAmmoText="Show Ammo Count"
ShowAmmoHelp="Show your current ammo count on the HUD."
ShowTeamInfoText="Show Team Info"
ShowTeamInfoHelp="Show team-related information on the HUD."
ShowFacesText="Show Chat Area"
ShowFacesHelp="Show the chat area in the top left corner, where chat messages and kills appear."
ShowFragsText="Show Frags"
ShowFragsHelp="Show your frag count on the HUD."
UseTeamColorText="Use Team Color in Team Games"
UseTeamColorHelp="In team games, this setting uses your team color as the color for your HUD."
HUDColorText="HUD Color"
HUDColorHelp="Change your prefered HUD color. In team games your team color will be used instead."
HUDColorNames(2)="Light Blue"
HUDColorNames(9)="Deep Blue"
HUDRText="HUD Color Red"
HUDRHelp="Use the RGB sliders to select a custom HUD color."
HUDGText="HUD Color Green"
HUDGHelp="Use the RGB sliders to select a custom HUD color."
HUDBText="HUD Color Blue"
HUDBHelp="Use the RGB sliders to select a custom HUD color."
CrosshairColorText="Crosshair Color"
CrosshairColorHelp="Change your prefered Crosshair color."
CrosshairRText="Crosshair Color Red"
CrosshairRHelp="Use the RGB sliders to select a custom Crosshair color."
CrosshairGText="Crosshair Color Green"
CrosshairGHelp="Use the RGB sliders to select a custom Crosshair color."
CrosshairBText="Crosshair Color Blue"
CrosshairBHelp="Use the RGB sliders to select a custom Crosshair color."
OpacityText="HUD Transparency"
OpacityHelp="Adjust the level of transparency in the HUD."
HUDScaleText="HUD Size"
HUDScaleHelp="Adjust the size of the elements on the HUD."
WeaponScaleText="Weapon Icon Size"
WeaponScaleHelp="Adjust the size of the weapon icons on the HUD."
StatusScaleText="Status Size"
StatusScaleHelp="Adjust the scale of the player status indicator (top right) on the HUD."
CrosshairText="Crosshair Style"
CrosshairHelp="Choose the crosshair appearing at the center of your screen."
DefaultsHelp="Reset HUD settings to default values."
Creation time: Fr 7.6.2013 13:15:19.469 - Created with